In app device features

One of the key tools of the Vilo app is that it easily allows you to manage the devices connected to your network, this is great for security and ease of use. 

Device Information 

  • From the homepage, click the Vilo network. On the next page, tap on the “Devices” tab. On this page, you will see a list of currently (online) and historically (offline) devices. 
  • You can click into each device and you will be directed to a detail page of that device. On the detail page, you can change the device name by clicking the edit sign on the top right corner of the page. You can also see the upload and download internet speed for this device.  
  • Device Type allows users to choose a type for this device, such as phone, tablet, laptop etc... 

Device Internet Access 

  • This toggle switch is set to "on" by default. When it is toggled to "off", your device can still connect to the Wi-Fi network but there will be no internet access available for this device. 
  • "Online" indicates to you how long this device has been online. 
  • "Connection" indicates if this device is wired in or wirelessly connected to the Wi-Fi network. 
  • "Connected to" indicates which Vilo this device is connected to.  
  • "Block From Network" this feature allows users to block this device from the network therefore this device cannot connect to or use the Wi-Fi network anymore. 

Usage Report 

  • This section will lead you to the usage report page where you can see the detailed usage report data based on different timelines.  

Notifications for New Devices Connected

Here are the steps to manage notifications for new devices connected:

  1. From the home screen of the Vilo App, click on your Vilo network under "My
  2.  On the next screen, click on the three dots in the top right-hand corner. This will take you to the "Settings" page.
  3.  Click on "Notifications" - from here you can toggle off the switch for "New
    Device Connected". You can also manage notifications for when devices go
    online/offline by clicking on "Device Online/Offline" - from here you can manage notifications for each specific device.
  4.  In addition, you can also toggle on Do Not Disturb for Notifications: “DND for
    Notifications” -which will allow you to select a specific “Start Time” and “End


IP Address indicates the IP address of this connected device. 

MAC Address indicates the MAC address of this connected device.  


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