How To Delete Your Vilo Account

This feature is only available for end-user accounts and can only be done in the Vilo Living app. If you do not see this feature on the “My Account” page, please make sure you are on the latest version of the app. If you are an ISP customer, please submit a ticket for account deletion requests.

  1. Log into the Vilo Living app with the account you’d like to delete.
  2. Tap on “Account” in the bottom right corner.
  3. Tap on the pencil icon next to your account e-mail and you will be taken to the “My Account” page
  4. Tap on “Account Deletion
  5. On the Account Deletion page, you’ll see a message stating “Account deletion is irrecoverable, all data from this account will be removed from the Vilo database. Including but not limited to:
    • Your account details (username and password)
    • All network data
    • All data from submitted logs
  6. Tap on “Confirm” to start the account deletion process.

The deletion process will take effect immediately after confirmation.

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