How to set a static IP address for a connected device (DHCP reservation)

Why use a static IP address or DHCP reservation?

By default, the IP address of a connected device is assigned by the router from the DHCP pool. But sometimes, you may want the device to always have the same IP address. DHCP Reservations allow you to keep the same IP address for a specific device whenever this device connects to your network. It is typically used to set a static IP address for a wireless printer, so that your computer always knows the address of the printer as it won’t change if the network or device is restarted.

Here is how to set a DHCP reservation: 

  1. Open the Vilo app.
  2. Tap on the Vilo network, tap the 3 dots on the right upper corner.
  3. Tap “Advanced Setting” --> “DHCP Reservations”.
  4. Tap “Add a reservation” on the bottom of this page, select a device to create a reservation, you also can type in the private IP address. Please note, the private IP address must be in the range which you have set in the LAN Settings.


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