How To Create a Sub-User Account in the Vilo ISP Portal

In the Vilo ISP Portal, you can easily create sub-user accounts for technicians or other employees to access the portal. 

Before creating a sub-user account, please ensure you have first created access levels. See this article on how to create Access Levels for more information. 

How To Create a Sub-User Account in the ISP Web Portal 

  1. Log into your ISP Account on the Vilo ISP Portal: 
  2. Under settings select "Accounts" 
  3. In the top right corner, you will see an "Add" button Accounts_-_Add_Sub-User_Account_.png
  4. Here you can create the sub-user account with their, email, password, name, and access level. The access level determines what features of the portal they will be able to access. Sub-User_Account_-_Add_Account_.png
  5. Be sure to document this login Information to give to the user, they will be able to go in and change the password to their desired password if necessary. See this article on how to change ISP Web Portal Password.
  6. From the "Accounts" section, you can easily manage your sub-user accounts, edit settings, deactivate or delete accounts if necessary. Sub-User_Account_-_Manage_Account_.png
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