How to Create Access Levels in the Vilo ISP Portal

Access levels allow admins to determine what features of the web portal sub-users are able to access. For example, you might want to deny access to "delete" networks, edit customer information or create another sub-user account. 

You must set up access levels first in order to create sub-user accounts. For more information on how to create sub-user accounts, see this article

How to Create Access Levels 

  1. Log into your ISP Account on the Vilo ISP Portal: 
  2. Under Settings go to "Access Levels"
  3. Here you will see the option to add a new access level Access_Levels_-_Add.png
  4. Next, you must name your access level, e.g. Technician Access_Level_-_Create_Access_Level_Type_.png
  5. Then you can select which features this access level has permissions for. Once you've selected the desired permissions, click "Save."Access_Levels_-_Permissions_.png
  6. You now have an access level that can be used to create a sub-user account. You can also edit the access level permissions at any time through the "Access Levels" page. Access_Levels_-_Manage_Access_Levels_.png
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