ISP Onboarding Instructions

Pre-Installation (ISP Portal & Account Setup)

We suggest scanning Vilos into inventory before deploying to a customer's home. However, this can be done while at the customer's home as well if necessary. Vilos must be scanned into inventory via the Vilo App, if not they will not appear in the Vilo ISP Portal. 

  1. Create a primary ISP account on
  2. Log in and go to the Settings > Accounts tab to create additional accounts for technicians, employees, etc. You can customize permissions for each role. Learn more here.
  3. Log into the Vilo App with the ISP account that was created in the portal. 
  4. On the Vilo app, navigate to Account > Scan Vilos. (If you do not see this feature, this means you are not signed into the Vilo app using an ISP account.) 


5. Follow the instructions on the app to scan the QR code on the bottom of the Vilo device or the back of the packaging box. Once scanned, MAC addresses and serial numbers will be displayed. Then click OK.

    • Once this step is completed, you will see the scanned Vilo device information under the "Vilo Inventory" page in the portal.  
    • Tip: For 3-packs, it is easier to scan the packaging box since information for all three routers can be scanned all at once. 

Watch this quick video on How To Scan Vilos Into Inventory for more instructions

Hardware Setup

There are two different installation instructions, depending on your provisioning scenario: 

  • Scenario A: Technicians install Vilos at a customer’s home 
  • Scenario B: Ship Vilos to a customer’s home and they install Vilos on their own 

Scenario A: Technicians install Vilos at a customer’s home 

  1. Sign in to the Vilo app using one of the ISP accounts created during steps 1 & 2 of the Pre-Installation process.
  2. If the Vilos have already been scanned, proceed to Step 3. If they have not been scanned, open the Vilo App and navigate to Account > Scan Vilos. (If you do not see this feature, this means you are not signed into the Vilo app using an ISP account.) 
  3. Navigate to Home on the Vilo app and tap the in the upper right corner to install the routers. Follow the in-app instructions that will explain how to go through the basic setup process.
    • Note: Make sure to upgrade the router firmware during the installation process. If the firmware version is lower than .133, then you will not be able to perform a speed check from the portal. 
    • After adding the Vilo to your ISP account followed by seeing the "Success!" page, you will be asked to choose a Subscriber ID for the network. This is only required if you need to associate the network with a subscriber. If not, you can click the "Continue Without Subscriber Info" button to move forward.
  4. During the initial setup, the only way to grant your subscribers permission to manage the network is by adding an email address to the e-mail field and clicking "Next" which will take you to the next page where you can toggle the "Allow Subscriber to Manage Network" button.Reminder:If no app account already exists with this email, the account will be automatically created and the subscriber will receive a temporary password for setup. If an app account already exists, they will receive an email notification notifying them the network is set up.


You can also grant a subscriber permission to manage the network via the portal. This can be done by clicking the pencil icon next to the Subscriber App Account field for the respective network on the Wi-Fi Networks page and selecting the Subscriber ID from the "Assign Subscriber App Account" window and clicking the "Assign" button. (The Subscriber ID has to be created on the Subscribers page first for it to appear as an option)


A network can be transferred to a technician as long as they are set up as a sub-user in the Vilo ISP Portal. This can be done by clicking the pencil icon next to the ISP App Account field for the respective network on the Wi-Fi Networks page and selecting the sub-user account from the "Transfer ISP App Account" window and clicking the "Update" button. For more detailed instructions, please view our training video series.


You can find more information here.

Scenario B: Ship Vilos to a customer’s home and they install Vilos on their own 

  1. Create a primary ISP account on
  2. Log in and go to the Settings > Accounts tab to create additional accounts for technicians, employees, etc. You can customize permissions for each role.  
  3. Sign in to the Vilo app using one of the ISP accounts created in steps 1 or 2
  4. On the Vilo app, navigate to Account > Scan Vilos. (If you do not see this feature, this means you are not signed into the Vilo app using an ISP account.)                                                                                        IMG_2566.JPG
  5. Follow the instructions on the app to scan the QR code on the bottom of the Vilo device or the back of the packaging box. Once scanned, MAC addresses and serial numbers will be displayed. Then click OK.
    • Once this step is completed, you will see the scanned Vilo device information under the "Vilo Inventory" page in the portal.  
    • Tip: For 3-packs, it is easier to scan the packaging box since information for all three routers can be scanned all at once. 
  6. Ship the router to your customers (along with onboarding instructions)
  7. When the customer (subscriber) receives the router, they will install the router on their own. You can prompt the customer to download the Vilo app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, create an account using their email, and follow the in-app prompts.
    • Note: Make sure to remind your customer to upgrade the router firmware during the installation process. If the firmware version is lower than .133, then you will not be able to perform a speed check from the portal. 
    • Once setup is complete, the ISP will be able to see that the network is live and remotely manage it from their portal account.
  8. Subscribers don’t get added to your system automatically after they install the networks on their own because every subscriber is tied to a Subscriber ID. You will see their e-mail under the “Subscriber App Account” section on the Wi-Fi Networks page but you will need to still choose a Subscriber ID, as this is not automatic. You can find more information on how to manage subscriber information here

Scenario C: Remote Configuration for Easy Customer Install

To make things even simpler for your customers, you can remotely configure Vilo(s) prior to sending them to your customers. Here's what that would look like:

  1. ISP scans Vilos into inventory, then remotely configures the main Vilo for the WAN and creates a Custom SSID and Password for the subscriber.
  2. ISP ships Vilos to customer with Custom SSID and Password information included in the onboarding instructions (ISP should also note which Vilo is the main one in a multi-pack).
  3. Customer receives Vilos, unboxes them, and simply plugs the main unit into the WAN and all the Vilos into power. The ISP will be able to see the customer's network live and manage it from the ISP Portal.

Reminder: the Firmware on the Vilo must be V. or higher to utilize Remote Configuration. You can lear more here

Migrating existing networks to your ISP account

If you have already installed networks under an existing Vilo account (for example: aaa@bbb.ccc), follow these steps to migrate those networks to be managed by your ISP account: 

  1. Create a primary ISP account on
  2. Log in and go to Settings > Accounts to add aaa@bbb.ccc as another user
  3. Go to the Vilo app. Log out and log back in with aaa@bbb.ccc. 
  4. On the Vilo app, navigate to Account > Scan Vilos. (If you do not see this feature, this means you are not signed into the Vilo app using an ISP account.) 
  5. Follow the instructions on the app to scan the QR code on the bottom of the Vilo device or the back of the packaging box. Once scanned, MAC addresses and serial numbers will be displayed. Then click OK.
    • If you cannot easily scan the QR code, please contact us so we can manually generate the QR codes for you. 
  6. Once this step is completed, you will see the installed networks on the portal 
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