How To Disable SIP ALG

Disabling this setting can help mitigate issues related to VoIP services. Currently, this can be manually disabled/enabled in the Vilo ISP Portal for Vilo 5 (Wi-Fi 5) & Vilo 6 (Wi-Fi 6) respectively. SIP ALG may or may not work for Vilo 5 due to a chipset limitation. 

Why Should You Be Aware of SIP ALG?

With SIP ALG (Application Layer Gateway) enabled, customers may experience issues with calls and conferencing apps due to SIP traffic being interrupted, while also heavily impacting the quality of VoIP apps and services. For example, customers may report issues like incoming calls failing, or phones not registering at all.

Reminder: depending on your environment and needs, you may also benefit from leaving this setting enabled.

How To Disable SIP ALG In The Vilo ISP Portal

  1. Log into the Vilo ISP Portal with your ISP account
  2. On the Wi-Fi Networks page, click “View” for the network you’d like to disable this setting for
  3. Go to the “Other Settings” page
  4. From here you can toggle the switch off to disable SIP ALG


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