Why You May Need to Submit a Log and How to Do So

This guide will explain the importance of App & Firmware logs in a troubleshooting context,  as they are a great way to help assess and diagnose issues. 

Why is this important?

We use logs to investigate and pinpoint the root cause of the issues our user's experience. This data can provide more insight into external or internal factors that could be contributing to the issue at hand while helping to isolate whether the issue is with Vilo or a third-party device or service. For example, if a specific Vilo is exhibiting connection drops, the best time to submit a log would be as immediate as possible.  

What are the different types of logs?

There are three different types of logs that an ISP can submit: App, Local, and Firmware. A general end-user who is using the Vilo app can only submit an app or local log. 

How do I know which log to submit?

An app log would be submitted in the case of setup issues or issues with features within the app. A local log is used when a WiFi connection is not available, and a firmware log is used when a customer experiences performance issues with the Vilo network. This type of log can only be submitted from the ISP Web Portal. 

How do I submit a log?

  • App log (ISP Account): If you are signed into an ISP account, you can submit a log by opening the Vilo app, clicking on the Vilo network -> Settings (three dots in the top right corner) -> Submit a Log
  • App log (End-user): A general end-user can submit a log by opening the Vilo app, clicking on Account -> Vilo Support -> Submit a Log
  • Local Log: Go to Account -> Vilo Support -> Submit a Log -> Submit a Local Log (above the button “Submit”). These steps are the same for ISP accounts and general end-users. 
  • Firmware log: Log into the ISP Web Portal with your ISP account. From the WiFi Networks page, select View next to the network ->  select the Submit A Firmware Log tab  -> describe the issue, and select OK.

Knowing how and when to submit logs will help expedite the troubleshooting process, allowing us to assist in reaching a resolution for you and your end-users much faster while helping to identify and resolve critical technical issues.

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